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Rabu, 16 April 2008

Speech Contest Script


Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. ......
            With all due respect to the honorable jurries, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen.....good morning......!!!
First of all, let’s thank to Allah swt. Because of his blesssings, we all can gather here in good condition. Because of his blessings, we all still breathe the air. Without air, we will die. Wow... how important air is! Shalawat and pray, we always say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Again....dealing with the importance of air, in this occasion, I would like to tell you that the theme of my speech is “ Go Green!”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Recently, we all feel that the temperature of the the world is increasing. It becomes hotter and hotter. The dry season is longer than usual. The wind is so extreme. It destroys everything in the world. Tsunami, earth quake, flood, volcano eruption and some other natural disasters happen everywhere and everytime in all over the world. Modern people in this millennium era have affected so many destructive impacts. These impacts cause a new problem, The “Global Warming”. People build some mega high buildings. They explore the jugles and the fields to build factories, housings, mines, etc. They just want to increase their prosperity, rate of comfortable and luxurious life without considering the balance of the nature. They never care about the effects of what they have done. This situation is very different if we look back to the last century where the pollution, the industrial garbage, and the toxin gases were friendlier. Friendlier, because in the 19th  century, the technologies improvement and the consumerism character were not yet significant. We should say that in this millennium era, the earth exploitation and exploration cause the crucial problem. How crucial the earth environmental problems we face are for example: The protected animals & plants from certain species nearly extinct. The plantation sector causes another problem for environment & ecosystem. Forest logging without reboization, and the impact of mines exploitation that cannot be recycled and maintenance of mine sector are also serious problems. Another example about the impact of human’s greed to the nature is The Lapindo Brantas case. That’s how the nature shows us their power. There’s not even one human could stand against the power of nature. Until now, there are no ways to stop the mud throwing and even the poisonous gases that are unwanted by the people.
In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1degree celcius every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. Our ex-Minister of Environment, Prof. Dr. Emil Salim warns and gives us an opinion aboutwhat will happen in the next 20 years. The situation will be dangerous if there are no actions to prevent this. How frightening the situation is!
Ladies and gentlemen.....
We need the proactive steps to maintain the nature and to rehabilitee what we have disrupted from every department that is connected with the environmental cases and our community. What could we do then?
Ladies and gentlemen.....
Lamongan has LAMONGAN GREEN AND CLEAN programe. The East Java province has ONE MAN ONE PLANT programe. Indonesia has PLANTING A MILLION TREES programe. Even WHO has SAVE OUR PLANET programe. The main purpose of those programes is to enrich the world with the plants to produce fresh air. It will keep the nature’s balance and also decrease the world pollution.
We, as young generation can do more to save our earth. Of course we have to support those programes. Besides, we can start from ourselves, from our family, from our society, from our school. Don’t throw the rubbish everywhere, but on the proper place. Don’t cut the trees. Don’t pollute our environment.
We  must be as one to create the vision &mission to help the government and the people for watching over the reboization program and for the environment reparation that is caused by the industrialist and the people generally wherever they are. We as the young generation, without any exception, must be totally devote our bodies & wills for the sake of healthy world, comfortable world, and for the sake of better place to live…I suggest to the government and the people of Indonesia to plant the cambium plants or the pot plants on every one of the house garden. For my recommendation, the sansivier as one of the most beautiful pot plant is really good to kept because of its great use of anti-pollutant &anti-free radical. Besides, its beauty will decorate our house so that we won’t feel bad to buy it. Everyone, every people must be responsible for every single of plants. Imagine! If every people has 1 plant in one house, there are 200 millions of plants in Indonesia. This is a very good step to begin our mission to prevent the Global Warming. Start this on any time now!
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

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